Best Ways to Increase your Typing Speed
Just imagine the power of chatting with multiple girls at a time :D
Completing your work in half the normal time.
Improving your typing speed would help you save a lot of time and also help you in improving your overall efficiency.
I read a report which stated " If you double your typing speed, you can save time of around 300 hours an year " .
This is the most important tip you would find in increasing your typing speed. If you really want to double your typing speed, you need to focus. You need to memorize the location of the keys and press the keys without looking at them.
(Memorize the keys).
Position Your Body and Hands
You need to position your body and hand properly on the keyboard so that they don't strain on typing . Keyboard should be at your waist level. Your back should be straight. You should also make sure that you don't press the keyboard keys using your nails.
Aim at Accuracy
Aiming on just typing speed won't help you a lot. If you just focus on typing with accuracy , you would get better results. Even when I was starting out on Typing, I was getting around 20 words per minute. But after continuous practice you can even reach 60 words per minute.
Consistent Smart Work
I don't want you folks to keep on typing all day. I want you guys to sit down for practice for at least 2 hours a day. Use software tools like Typing Master, Bruce Almighty Typing Wizard etc. Make sure you use them regularly and keep track of your speed and accuracy.
Typing Test
Test are the best way to keep track of one improvement in performance. You can use Tools like typing master to keep track of
current typing Speed.
Play Games
Now this may sound weird to you. But yes, Playing games ( Typing Games ) would help you a lot in improving your typing speed.
(Note: I am not talking about games like Warcraft, Car/ Bike race. :P . So uninstall those games right now :D and start get addicted to the typing games.)
One of the typing game which I am addicted to is TypeRacer .
This is an online game which gives you a virtual car and you car will run at the typing speed you have. Race against the top typist around the world with TyperRacer.
This is all I want you folks to do, if you really want to have the benefits of cool typing speed of 60 words per minute. By the way, I wrote this post in only 15 minutes :D. Imagine my speed.
I have even seen people typing with speed of 200 words per minute of speed.
And you know what the best part about increased typing speed is ?
Its Show off :D . Do share your tips on increasing typing speed as well. Do comment your tips.
Make Notepad Your Best Friend
Yes, I want you folks to make the notepad on your on your computer your best friend. I want to you to use it as frequent as you can.Start Chatting
Start chatting up your friends online. Try to chat with more then one friends at a time on Facebook. You will enjoy it and it would help you a lot in increasing your typing speed.This is all I want you folks to do, if you really want to have the benefits of cool typing speed of 60 words per minute. By the way, I wrote this post in only 15 minutes :D. Imagine my speed.
I have even seen people typing with speed of 200 words per minute of speed.
And you know what the best part about increased typing speed is ?
Its Show off :D . Do share your tips on increasing typing speed as well. Do comment your tips.
Sahi hai babua. Show Off.. :P