Tuesday, March 19, 2013

How to create and customize windows 8 metro tile icons


Create and customize windows 8 metro tile icons for any desktop program

OblyTile For Windows 8
Hi Folks, This is my first blog post for you, and today I am sharing you the idea of creating your own custom made windows 8 tiles. Though Windows 8 introduced some new and innovative ways to use the start screen in place of traditional Start Menu, but at the same place they failed to give users the tools to create and modify tiles.

There are many tools out there to create custom live tiles , but from all of them OblyTile is one of the best.
The reason why I consider OblyTile the best tool for customization of tile icons is that it has some cool features like:-
  • ·        With OblyTile we can create shortcuts to a program, file , or even a URL.
  • ·        With OblyTile we can apply the background we want to the tiles on the start menu.
  • ·        We can even add text to the tile icons on the start screen.
  • ·        And last but not the least is that with it, we can add a custom image to the tile .

Here is step by step tutorial how can you create your own custom tiles.
Step 1: First you have to download the OblyTile tool from the following link.
After downloading the tool from the above link, just install the program.
Note: To Install the program, make sure that you are currently logged in with an account having administrative privileges.  

Step 2: After Installing the program , Just run this tool by giving the administrative privileges as described by the picture given below.
How to use OblyTile
Step 3: Using OblyTile is fairly simple, just name the tile, select a program for you which you want to add a tile, provide a tile image and select some colors, and OblyTile will create a tile for you.
We can even make a tile as a link , which I have shown you now.
Use OblyTile for creating and editing windows 8 tile icons
Step 4: Click Create Tile Button when you're done with your settings. A pop message will be displayed for creation of tile.

That’s it . You are done ..
Step 5:Now you are ready to use newly created tile.
Windows 8 Start Screen having custom windows tile icon
Step 6: Just click that icon , and you will be redirected to the http://www.kgtricks.com/  .

You can also make tiles for desktop programs like VLC , torrent etc. , by just giving their  .exe file path.
That's all you need to do to create your own custom tile icon.
If you don’t like the tile icon you have created for your start screen , and if you want to remove this tile icon from the start screen , then just right click on the tile icon you want to remove and click on unpin from start.

If you have any problem with downloading from the link given below or if you have any doubt in one of the steps mentioned above, please feel to ask your queries in the comments field given below. I will be very delighted to help you guys.

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  1. thanks....!!
    it's really helpfull for me....!!!

  2. Nice Article.
    Hope to see some more cool stuff like this..

  3. Can we get an update that will do 2 things...
    1. I would like to use png with transparent backgrounds.
    2. I would like to have an update to the program to support the new tile sizes coming in windows 8.1 update.

    This is awesome - Thank you a ton! Hope you continue and maybe add some new features! If it grows I donate!

    Thank you


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